Friday, June 4, 2010

Long Week = Short Post

First, exciting find on Google Books (a book about constructivism and PBL in schools)

Second, I love when little sentences open up larger thoughts. Here's what I mean (a post of mine from class):

Your comment from Barrett (2005), that students should be working in small groups to solve problems got me thinking about how divided, especially in the primary grades, socialization time and learning time has developed. In primary grades it's very typical for the teacher to have a text driven lesson that they give, followed by student assessment done alone, and then graded to judge the students' understanding. If social time is given then play is primarily the driving factor with the underlined intention of teaching socialization skills.

My Response:
If constructivism and problem based learning were started at a younger grade perhaps this would be a way for more socialable peaceful classrooms. In the context of the typical classroom students do not get to know each other socially as thinkers. Rather, their social interaction time is dependent on recess. In a constructive classroom students could perhaps be more understanding socially because of the learning experiences they've built of classmate's prior knowledge and ability to think and work together. Recess would not be the only time they explore one another's abilities for imagination and capacity to solve problems outside of who is going to be "it" first and where is first base.

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