Getting back on the social media horse since ISTE 2011 has been a slow, bit by bit process. The down time has driven me to ask the question if tweeting is enough, or does it have to be the full trifecta commitment of Email>Blog>Twitter. Which has lead to more questions...
1. When most of us were in grade school technology was something still of the future. More than twenty years later when technology now engulfs us, and is literally in our atmosphere, this subject is still not cohesive into the every day schedule of most Elementary schools. (Labeling this class "computers" is even a bit past its due date?) Reading this in Edutopia still has me shouting the question why "computers" is a separate class from other subjects or seen as a "special" in most Elementary schools. The expectations that are outlined in the article are a perfectly crafted measuring stick for skills that can be integrated into subject areas. Schools need to see the technology/computer teacher as a person of push-in and team teaching in order to make the visual statement to students that technology is an applicable expectation to everyday, rather than a detached elective. This list from Adam Bellow explains it well.
2. I have always thought of Science as an important subject because if students see everyday occurrences for their true organic magic, it eventually leads to respect of the environment where they take place. I have always thought of Social Studies as an important subject because it is the story of our of entire civilizations and is so deeply rooted in the trickle down effect of choices that are based in personal logic and emotion. The history of science can be exciting and science throws history more than most text books give credit.
Though these two subject areas have curriculum standards and expectations, in most Elementary schools they are treated as filler subjects. As a teacher and enthusiast of both these subject areas I try to remember not gage my worth by the emphasis of high-stakes testing.
3. I am very excited to be going to #140edu in NYC. Two days filled with incredible speakers who are passionate about education reform, technology and the role of both in education right now.
4. This site went right into my Google Reader and the article the link takes you to went right into the bookmark folder. I will look to these nine tenets during the school year when I am in that educator valley, waiting for the peak to follow.
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