Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Applauding for Tech Teachers

There are times in our ed-techness that can be trying on patience and challenge our intrinsic motivation to motivate others. There are days that I am reminded of that scene in Peter Pan when he rallies his troops to bring Tinkerbell back to life. "CLAP if you believe!" he preaches to others. Well, this is when we step into Peter's shoes; we rally our colleagues around us to clap for technology integration in ways we only know how. Here's what clapping looks and sounds like by those who believe.

I am always available during my prep time. These claps happen when those tech oriented teachers help other teachers during their prep hours. Those assignments can always be graded at home or after school.You came to school early to set up lab in case this happens, so your time is theirs. The tech teacher knows this is an opportune moment to show someone a tool or lead a colleague to be more independent with tech problem solving. We never turn this chance down. We will rinse and repeat the directions as much as needed and be open to all levels of learning.

Yes, I will research that (grant, tool, program, software). Tech teachers do this because we know the larger picture is worth the efforts. We will tweet, search out blogs, articles, webinars, and whatever else it takes to get those iPads for the teacher who knows they will engage student learning. When the grant is delivered we will also be there planning the professional development needed.

Professional Development, I have a plan for that! Tech teachers know that support is crucial to technology integration. Teaching adults can be challenging as much as it is rewarding. It is all worth the work and planning if just one teacher in a session gets excited and applies a new tool in their classroom. We know the chance of igniting a spark during professional development is high and that is why we will never turn down the chance.

I have this idea... We will always be thinking of what's next for our students, teachers and administration. Have you heard of this app that allows students to ...? Did you know administrators could use this tool that...? We are constantly reading articles and magazines about what is next and forming ideas. 

There are more ways tech-integration teachers show their belief. Whichever way you do, remember to stop every once in a while and give yourself a round of applause. Remember to be thankful for those who support your ideas and notice you work selflessly. They are clapping right beside you, because they hear you loud and clear.

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