Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Habits of Balance

As I walk away from Educon this year, I am left inspired by the conversations and connections. I am inspired to a point that I want to do more to influence progress and actively engage in the conversation. Then, I pause to check in with the one trait that I admire most in the people I have met over the years of EdCamps, Educons, PLNs and Social Media. This trait I admire most is the ability to commit to life balance. 
I knew I was reaching a dangerous point on the scales this past fall when I told someone how much time I devote to my degree program and work. "Oh we call your type a gunner", said the medical student in their residency, "eventually your type hits a wall." While a bit hard to swallow, it was a truth I needed to hear. I took their observation and decided to turn it into motivation for a more balanced life.
Here are some habits that I am giving efforts to:
  1. Eat & Drink Clean & Exercise. I lump these together because they support each other. I drink water. A lot of water. I drink a glass first thing in the morning and it sets the tone for the day. I eat as clean as I can and look to Michael Pollan’s writing for inspiration. Reducing sugar and packaged foods has made the biggest impact to how I feel. I stretch/yoga a bit in the morning, walk as much as possible and kick my butt to the gym at least three times a week.
  2. Take a day I take one day a week to not work. I get out and go to a museum, go for a long hike or connect with friends in person. Sometimes this includes time for introvert recharge to read non-work/academic works or be still for a change. Currently, favorite podcasts include Where There’s Smoke and Modern Love.
  3. Screen Time Reduction I am a big fan of taking pictures in the moment and posting them to social media later. Taking Face Book off my phone has really helped with this goal. I also have reduced my hours of TV (not having cable helps). This habit is proving to be hardest and has had an unexpected impact on my awareness of others’ ability to disconnect and be mindful in the present.
  4. Use my Calendar I personally like the App Sunrise to help navigate all my calendars. It’s become my digital secretary. Unloading due dates and events onto a visual calendar helps me with managing goal two and three.
  5. Difficult Questions There are two questions that I like to frequently ask myself: What do you want (personally and professionally)? What’s keeping you from getting it? These aren’t fun questions, yet they are necessary for creating the path I want to be on. Being truthful with myself helps me keep my priorities in the crosshairs.
  6. Admiration & Gratitude I have taken to admiring the people who create their own balance. Posted pictures of family, vacation selfies, moments of laughter, remind me how precious life is and not to the right now for granted. When all's said and done, I strive to have my work not be the biggest part of my footprint.

In order to be active in change and not burn out, balance is essential. I am taking baby steps with each of these habits I want to adopt full time. I am patient with myself and allow complete failure from time to time. As the saying goes, “moderation in moderation”. Take from the list what you can. I wish you a connected, balance year. What do you do to keep balanced?

Thank you to @drspike for ending Educon 2016 on a needed note of discussing balance. Thank you to all the memorable people I met at Educon '16 and the unplugged conversations we shared as I formulate this at 11pm on the Saturday night of Educon. Read more about the Power of Habit and Essentialism with these authors.

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